Language is the spine of every surviving culture. It tells you where its people came from and where they are going. In Friesland, the entire region is bound together by Frisian, the second official language of the Netherlands. More
Monthly Archives: May 2017
The gorgeous building of Gothic Revival style Saint Boniface Church
Leeuwarden is a place with an exciting history and future. Talking about bright future of the city in 2013 Leeuwarden was voted for European Capital of Culture for 2018. Therefore, this award is given to a city in which different events will be organized that can boost Leeuwarden visibility. More
Bicycle video: tour through Leeuwarden
The music band ‘We are Hunters’
LEEUWARDEN – Meet Bram Jensen who is 22 years old and a drummer of ‘We are Hunters’. The group consists of five members and a manager: Tim Bronmeijer – Guitar, Steven Grob – Guitar, Sven Lenssen – Bass guitar, Rico Neeter – Vocalist, Sander Damen – Manager. More
Recycling in Leeuwarden, Peter van der Leij
Blokhuispoort, the old jail of Leeuwarden is now the cultural heart of the city
LEEUWARDEN – Have you ever wondered how a real jail looks like or what is the atmosphere? Leeuwarden has been permanently inhabited since the 10th century and was granted town in 1435. Moreover, the city was liberated from German occupation during World War II and visitors can see lots of old buildings. One of them is the old jail of Leeuwarden: Blokhuispoort built in 1499 as a type of fort and was turned into a prison in 1580 used till 1995. More
Combining photography with abstraction, spatial design and experience
Photographer Tiffany Peters is currently working on a graduation project which combines her photography skills with “an interest in abstraction, spatial design and experience”. Tiffany is a student of Academy of Popular Arts and her project could be a good example and inspiration to many. She is a person who seeks for innovation in the way photography is experienced and is eager to show us the new way on the 1st of June in the X-Lab in NHL, Leeuwarden. More
‘LICHAMEN’ is for everyone
‘LICHAMEN’ – means bodies – is a multidisciplinary exposition, where completely different people are going to tell you their intimate stories about the relationship they have with their own bodies. Celine Wierda, a 22-years-old student who studies Theatre in NHL, is a founder of this unique project. She started it 5 months ago, in December 2016, and was totally surprised about herself. More
Slimme Trapper – the bike that helps you recycle
LEEUWARDEN – As Cultural Capital 2018, Leeuwarden needs to make sure that it stays innovative, creative and supportive of young individuals with great ideas. However, another thing that has to be considered is the environment. How can people make sure that they are not harming the environment with their projects and activities? How can we make our surroundings more pleasant and reuse the waste we have created? Lastly, how can we encourage people to look into themselves and strive to make a change? More
Mayor Crone: ,,Students bring energy to the city” [2]
LEEUWARDEN – Mayor of Leeuwarden, Ferd. J.M. Crone, hosted Eric Blomqvist and me at the city hall. We had a chance to talk about students, cultural capital and many other things. According to the Mayor students are important for the cultural capital for next year. Also, we heard that Groningen university will open a new campus here, in Leeuwarden. More
Mayor Crone: ,,Students bring energy to the city” [1]
LEEUWARDEN – Mayor of Leeuwarden, Ferd. J.M. Crone hosted Eric Blomqvist and me at the city hall. We had a chance to talk about students and many other things. According to the Mayor students are a big part of the city and they are so important for the atmosphere in Leeuwarden. More
Robert Vartanov – The art of capturing a moment
LEEUWARDEN – ,,I’ve always been fascinated by any kind of technology and art, obviously photography is a perfect combination of these two disciplines. Photography has many facets and art photography is only one of them. A camera can be a powerful tool for a great many works. I continuously try to explore all the facets of photography and keep learning,” says Robert Vartanov. More
A choir with different background but singing with one mind and the same passion
All for One Foundation is the first and only multicultural gospel choir in Friesland and was founded in January 2011. Their aim is to spread the message of gospel music, to connect different cultures to each other within Friesland and environs. Later the name became All for one gospel choir. By the initiative of musical director Wilco Kloosterman and – of African origin – musician Basile Maneka were twelve singers together to start a new gospel choir. Meanwhile, the choir has about fifty members of European, African, Surinamese and Antillean origin. More
Community Connect: Social Inclusion of Refugees in Friesland
,,Still today, refugees have to face massive xenophobia in the cities/villages they live in, and even before that, go through an enormous ordeal in the asylum procedure. Endless waiting and inefficiency often take away the last bit of hope and ambition with which many refugees seek to start a new life in the Netherlands,” says Hooman Nassimi. More
Story Farm – Interactive Storytelling for Children
Front row on the left: Philipp Markhardt
LEEUWARDEN – In today’s digital age more and more children are struggling to read. They are bound to their smartphones, laptops, tablets and all these other electronic gadgets. Many of them even appear to have striking problems with reading. So how do we solve this problem? How do we motivate children to read again and how do we engage them into storytelling? Philipp Markhardt and his five* fellow students have set themselves the task to find a solution for this issue. More
Bright woman with a colourful soul
LEEUWARDEN – Nynke is an owner of the most colourful shop in Leeuwarden, and is one of the brightest women of the city with a friendly and sweet smile. Keeping this shop is not only a responsibility she does, but it is also her hobby. What Nynke loves are colours and the ways people express themselves by using different colours. The owner of “Nyna” told me an inspiring and “colourful” story about the moments in her life. More
The future is here! NHL’s simulation and game-based learning hub is now open
LEEUWARDEN – Gaming and learning at the same time? Sounds like a dream of the most contemporary students. Wednesday, April 12th, was the official opening day of SIGA lab – first simulation and game-based learning research laboratory in Leeuwarden. More